VLSP2021 vieCap4H Challenge: Automatic image caption generation for healthcare domains in Vietnamese Forum

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> [Announcement] Data for public testing phase has been released

Dear participants,

We would like to announce that data for the public testing phase has been released (please visit https://aihub.vn/competitions/40#participate-get_data). You can start to submit in a few hours.

For your information, the schedule has been revised, please refer to the challenge's website for the updated important dates (https://vlsp.org.vn/vlsp2021/eval/vieCap4H).

Kindly be noted that the starting date of private testing phase is also the deadline to sign the user agreement form (https://bit.ly/vieCap4H-user-agreement)

Regarding the submission, please follow the instructions closely to avoid errors when submitting to aihub.vn.

Thank you.

VLSP 2021 - vieCap4H Challenge Organizers

Posted by: viecap4h-organizers @ Sept. 24, 2021, 3:23 p.m.
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